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Thursday, 29 September 2016

To all the single ladies, relax, Mr. Right will surely find you!!!

I first of all want to thank the lovely angel who added me to this group. Everyday on fin brings me closer to reality and helps me get a clearer view of life, most especially on relationships and marriage. I deeply want to thank every one for sharing their stories because it ain't easy and also the founder of this group.
My story could be seen as that of a girl who strives to get a good relationship but keeps falling into one bad one to the other Eg I became a bank for some, almost lost my self esteem, almost stopped believing in love, in general i felt love wasnt for me. I just couldn't understand why I wasn't getting good relationship. Funny enough, it seems when you single and in need of a relationship all you see around are people in good relationship and people around you getting married, trust me it aint funny at all cus it gets you thinking way to much, guess some of us can relate to this. Then finally in April this year I reluctantly went for a friend's wedding in another town and i meet this tall dark and handsome guy (just as i used to write in slum books back in secondary school) who ended up been a God sent. I must say I had my reservation initially because i felt he was like the rest i just stayed waiting for when his chapter would finish but he has proved me wrong. He has been a brother, father, friend etc to me. To think at some point i felt i would never have someone to call my own but God has blessed me with one who I can call my own and who gives me peace of mind. Most times I even wonder if it is real or i am dreaming. Just want to let all my lovely and ever beautifull finsters who are single not to worry but use this time to develop,take care and love themselves the best way they can because their mr right is on the way and most times he comes when you least expect, And when he comes you will be so greatfull to God that your past relationships didn't work, its just a matter of time and all will fall into place. I will definitely keep a very big table for my finsters to come wine and dine to their fill. Love you all.........

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